Introduction to Alt/Finance

Alt/Finance is cloud-based data delivery provider that aggregates, processes, and transforms data on public auction transactions in the alternative asset markets. (Overview of asset categories here.)

Available with direct dataset subscriptions, APIs, and a dashboard powered by Amazon QuickSight, Alt/Finance provides a variety of solutions for both out-of-the-box or customized use.

Streamed into a single data dashboard, Alt/Finance includes data on market activity with enterprise-grade security and global availability with user-management tools for individual or team use - whether with 10 or 10,000 members.


Here are some of the benefits of using Alt/Finance for tracking the alternative assets markets with analytics, data visualization, and reporting:

  • Build custom portfolio views and share your dashboard.

  • Email alerts and notifications

  • Scalable user management for individuals, small teams and enterprises

For advanced annual subscriptions, we offer even more features:

  • Automated and customizable data insights, powered by machine learning (ML) to support:

    • Automatic reliable forecasts.

    • Automatic outlier identification.

    • Find hidden trends.

    • Act on key business drivers.

    • Translate data into easy-to-read narratives, like headline tiles for your dashboard.

Last updated